Originally published on my blog: therelentlessreader.blogspot.comThis reader has a confession to make. I didn't want to read this book. Gasp!Romance? Time travel? Psychic abilities? Those topics are out of my comfort zone, to put it mildly.Imagine my utter surprise when I cracked this open and actually LIKED IT.Now wait, before you think I've gone ga-ga for romance let me set you straight. I could have lived without the modern love story. On the other hand, the historical relationship made me feel all swoon-y and sigh-y.Speaking of the historical sections? The author nailed it. The research must have been intense. Kearsley doesn't cut a single corner. Historical fiction turns my crank. This one was spinning it!The Firebird is the 2nd book in a series but absolutely works as a stand-alone read. Hints to the past history of the characters helped with that. I could tell there was more to the story. But it wasn't irritating or distracting.I judged this book before I opened it and I was flat out mistaken. There's a lesson in there don't you think?I was wrong about you Firebird! Forgive me?