Originally published on my blog at TheRelentlessReader.blogspot.comWho doesn't adore a good coming of age tale? I do, especially when it's done right. This was done more than right.Followers of this blog might know that I'm not a big book buyer. There is no way I could afford to sustain my reading habit. I bought this because I'd been hearing wonderful things and because the author is visiting my local indie bookstore at the end of this month. I'm so glad that I did.The setting of this novel warmed my heart. Small town Minnesota, so similar to my own small town Wisconsin upbringing. Of course I felt a connection there, even if I did grow up a couple of decades after these boys.I felt a connection to the characters as well. Frank...oh Frank. One day his biggest adventure is peeking at his neighbor's undergarments on her clothesline. Soon he is facing things that are hard for adults to handle. His younger brother Jake was wonderful. This sweet boy with a stutter made my heart ache.There were times while reading this that I had a painful lump in my throat. There were also times that I couldn't help but smile until my face ached. This book was an absolute blessing to read and I'm proud to have it on my shelf.